President's Message

Hussain Baqueri

The Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Foundation places its root in a dream held by its founders, a loving couple, Shri Sunil Dutt and the late Nargis Dutt. The late actress Nargis Dutt, an Indian actress, wanted to ensure that the impoverished and needy would have access to quality medical care.

In our quest to make sure that the founders’ dream does not fade away, the Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation has been working diligently since 1981 to improve and upgrade cancer treatment and care throughout India. India, currently, has the highest incidence of cancers in the head and neck regions for men and the highest incidence of cancers in the cervix and breast for women. The Foundation now has chapters all over the world actively working to provide advanced medical equipment and financial support for the training of visiting doctors from India to USA.

Some examples of the cancer equipment provided by The Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation, are the purchase of radiation field analyzers, mammography units, roving cancer detection vans sent to impoverished areas or isolated villages in India.

It has been said that “Every tomorrow has two handles”. One handle of sorrow and despair and the other handle is of hope, generosity and compassion. It is your support that allows this organization to grasp tomorrow with the hope of one day defeating cancer. None of the wonderful medical gifts and medical training provided would have been possible without your support. Furthermore, thank you all for contributing to a future filled with hope for the possibility of a world without cancer.

I would like to thank all of the board members of the Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation for devoting their time, energy and hard work. I thank Ms. Priya Dutt, daughter of Sunil and Nargis Dutt and Member of Parliament of India for her continued support, guidance and involvement with the Foundation.

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